
Final Fantasy Adventure - Magic

Eight types of magic are used in the game for recovery and attacking. Magic spells are learned, but there are also magic items which can be found which work the same as the spells. Spells are given to the character by other characters or found in chests, and once the hero gets them they cannot be lost. Some enemies are immune to certain magics, or they might only be harmed by magic or the silver sword.


MP: 4

Location: The girl gives you this magic when you stay the night in Kett’s Inn.

Description: This magic will heal some of your HP depending on your Wisdom and Attack Gauge.


MP: 2

Location: Cibba gives you this magic when you visit him in Wendel.

Description: This magic will remove Poison, Darkness or Stone status effects.

SLEP / Sleep

MP: 2

Location: You get this magic spell after you defeat the Vampire.

Description: This magic will cause some enemies to fall asleep.

MUTE / Silence

MP: 2

Location: Lester gives you this magic spell in Jadd after you help him defeat Davias.

Description: This magic will stop most enemies from using projectile attacks on you.


MP: 1

Location: You get this spell after you defeat the Hydra in Marsh Cave

Description: This magic spell will send out a fireball which will heat seek an enemy.


MP: 4

Location: This spell is found in a treasure chest inside Medusa Cave.

Description: This magic sends out an icicle you can control with the D-pad. After it hits an enemy they will turn into a snowman which you can then hit to destroy or push around. The snowmen can weigh down buttons, so sometimes using Ice magic is essential to solving puzzles.

LIT / Thunder

MP: 4

Location: You gain this spell after you defeat the Golem in the Golem Cave.

Description: This magic sends out a powerful lightning bolt in the direction you are facing.

NUKE / Flare

MP: 4

Location: You get this spell by defeating the Lich in the Lich Cave.

Description: This magic sends a powerful blast out in a straight line. You must use this on a crystal in the crystal desert near Ish to find the Cave of Ruins.