
Monster Month Final

Posted on November 1st, 2007 by Dr. Sheexy
Filed under Seikens

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Happy Halloween Everyone!

I rushed this one too much, but I think it turned out ok.

5 Responses to “Monster Month Final”

  1. calico Says:

    Eee! Awesome job on this one!

  2. Danny Says:

    Yes, it certainly came out good. Although the Spector’s clothes should have been purple and his face slightly blue (blushed/blured feature to contrast with the white).

  3. manaman Says:

    Hey, thanks for all the great pics, Sheexy. They were a joy to view. 🙂

  4. Jane Doe Says:

    Haha, great picture. I loooove the Specter. Everyone else is a dork. Especially that ghost. lol do u get it

  5. Sheexy Says:

    Thanks for the comments y’all.

    And Jane, I get it.
    Jerk D: