
The Late MMM

Posted on December 19th, 2007 by Kassidy Kearey
Filed under Seikens

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Apologies for the delay in getting this out to you, but here is this week’s Mana Music Monday. Presenting the first track from Hiroki Kikuta’s solo album Alphabet Planet called Vivid.


But not only that, you get to read a rather sad excuse for a review that I’ve thrown together, and get all the details of the album over in the Soundtracks section.

3 Responses to “The Late MMM”

  1. Sheexy Says:

    I didn’t know you were doing this review Kassidy, I like the way it turned out.

  2. Kassidy Kearey Says:

    Eep, I thought I had told you about it. See? Brain like a Swiss cheese, me. xD Glad you liked it though.

  3. Sheexy Says:

    Yeah I think you did actually XD
    Whoops XD

    I didn’t know you meant it for here though.