
Seiken Densetsu 3 Armor Scans

Posted on June 7th, 2008 by Dr. Sheexy
Filed under Gallery Updates, Seiken Densetsu 3

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Head over to the Seiken Densetsu 3 Equipment Gallery for more scanned goodies. If you liked the Weapon scans I added last time you’re sure to enjoy these armor scans. Well, probably. They kind of suck because the armor isn’t presented as large as the weapons, and the armor tends to like to live in the middle margin where it is a pain to scan without damaging my books. Maybe one day when I own multiple copies I’ll rip my books apart to get the best scans, but for now these are going to have to do.

Coming up next week (probably) will be a HUGE Bestiary update. We’re talking the Bestiary will be like, 85% done. Only stuff missing will be sprites from SwoM and CoM (maybe HoM, I dunno what Kassidy has done on that front), and I’m gonna leave writing the Bestiary portions of the HoM stuff to him since I haven’t played the game really. Dawn of Mana monster scans will come later for the Bestiary too.

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