
Mana Music Monday

Posted on February 23rd, 2009 by Dr. Sheexy
Filed under Music

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Well I’ve finally reached my destination for today. Went to my classes at school, and now I’m getting ready to write up three papers that are due at various times this week.
To get ready for writing I open up my music player, shuffle around my musics and hit play.

And Those Who Finally Reached Their Destination – Yoko Shimomura
This is a really cool track from Heroes of Mana, and you can definitely hear some Legend of Mana vibes coming off of it.

Well, I’m off to write some papers, I hope all of you out there finally reach your destination, whatever it may be.

That was super corny right? I can’t believe I typed it. I should be a radio jockey, that’s just too corny.

3 Responses to “Mana Music Monday”

  1. manaman Says:

    Hey, I thought you were using a certain YouTube vid for the MMM. . . . 😉

  2. Sheexy Says:

    Seems I’m not very good at predicting things. XD

    Next week!

  3. manaman Says:

    Ha ha, fair enough.