
MMM – The Fairy Child

Posted on November 30th, 2009 by Dr. Sheexy
Filed under Music, Seikens

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Kassidy’s wife had a baby! It’s a little girl, born at 11:10 weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces or 3460 grams. She doesn’t have a name yet, but Kassidy will probably let us all know what it is when it’s decided. Congratulations Kassidy!

So in order to celebrate I’ve picked out The Fairy Child from Secret of Mana, it’s the happy theme used whenever Salamando pops up or when you fix Kakkara’s water. And look, we have three versions of it!

The Fairy Child – Hiroki Kikuta
The Fairy Child SD4
The Fairy Child – Hurry Up! Ver.

I wonder what Kassidy’s daughter will think if she ever learns that a website celebrated her birth by listening to old videogame music.

We should maybe keep this a secret from her.

3 Responses to “MMM – The Fairy Child”

  1. DeadWolf Says:

    Congratulations Kassidy!

  2. manaman Says:

    Congratulations, Kassidy! That’s awesome news! Blessings to you and yours!

  3. Quemaqua Says:

    Congrats, mate. May she not keep you up as much as I hear those wailing little balls o’ joy tend to.