
MMM – The Tale Told by the Wind

Posted on October 25th, 2010 by Dr. Sheexy
Filed under Music

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Today’s track is the ending theme from Heroes of Mana. Out of all the tracks in HoM I think this one’s music gives off the most Legend of Mana-ish vibe. It’s a really nice track, give it a listen.

The Tale Told by the Wind – Yoko Shimomura – Heroes of Mana

2 Responses to “MMM – The Tale Told by the Wind”

  1. nick912012 Says:

    Today, I finally met someone who knew the Mana series prior to me knowing them. He said Legend of Mana was one of his favorite games. I come home and get on Seikens, and I hear this track. It’s such a joyous feeling..

    After so many years, I have a friend that won’t cringe when I talk about the Mana series.

  2. justaguest Says:

    this is very beautiful and it definitely gives you that feeling you used to get when playing any type of mana games. =D