
Legend of Mana Card Duel – Artifact and Land Cards

Posted on August 5th, 2021 by Dr. Sheexy
Filed under Legend of Mana, Legend of Mana Card Duel, Seikens

In the first of six major updates coming to the Legend of Mana Card Duel section, we now have Artifact and Land Cards scanned and translated!

The translations are done by me, and for the flavor text of each card I’m just using the in-game Encyclopedia entries because they are close enough. I may go back in the future and change those up, however.
The page also includes some rudimentary rules and information up top, but there will be a much more fleshed out Rulebook page in the future.

Stay tuned, as in the future I’ll get sections for the rest of the cards added along with those rules!

Special thanks to Deques, for working hard on getting the CSS for the translation info set up how I wanted and putting up with my tiny nitpicks!

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