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Lost final season

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:00 am
by Deques
Is anyone besides me still watching this series?
It's the final season and more than half of the season is already broadcast.
The flashbacks and/or flash forwards are all gone from the series, instead there are flash-alternative.
Spoiler: show
After the bomb that got detonated at the end of season 5, an alternative universe is created.
Some questions are answered, but there are still more questions that needs answers

*Note; Trying to create other thread that don't involve whats you listening, or any game related thread.

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:21 pm
by DeadWolf
I just got into it and I'm on Season 3. A friend of mine is an addict and had to get me hooked.

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:25 pm
by Ailise
Yeah... i'm on season 5... deques is spoiler master (believe, i know)!!! be careful!! :P

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:15 pm
by DeadWolf
My friend spoiled bits and pieces of it for me already. He also thinks the island is purgatory. I think I need to watch more before I start making guesses as to what's going on. I think the Dharma Initiative guys picked every person to be on the plane somehow. Ben says to Jack that the day he found out he had a spinal tumor a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky.

I'm so hooked now I plan on watching Lost until the end now.

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:46 pm
by Ailise
&#12358;&#12399;wwwwww... well... what ever you guess after 3 seasons you are wrong, at least where I am now... it's so far from season 1-4 as possible >.<

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:22 am
by Deques
I am not spoiler master, I beep beep that and beep beep that.

Anyway I haven't watched the latest episode yet. I haven't got time :(
It's a Hurley episode according to wiki

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:55 pm
by Nedliv
i'm also watching that!

am on episode 12. Hell Yeah, you're right, some answers are there, now.
But what 100% exactly the black smoke is, is a little foggy, i think.

i can't await the next episodes *_*

And don't forget:
Everybody loves Hugo!!!

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:51 pm
by Dr. Sheexy
I LOST (haha, haha, ha) track of everything around season 5 and haven't picked up from anywhere.

What season is this anyways? I know it's the final, but what number?

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:54 am
by DeadWolf

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:46 pm
by Tekka
I really enjoyed Lost when it first started. I'm still watching it but I'm a lot more jaded by its plot points than I was when things were just getting started. My rabid enjoyment of the series kind of faded away at the end of Season 2. The first two seasons were the best part of the series IMO. Still watching it though... I am still a little interested in how all this is going to end.

What really gets me now is that way back at the beginning, the producers said there would be logical/scientific explanations for everything that was going on. There's no way in hell that's still true now.

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:52 pm
by Ailise
*Warning Spoilers*!!!!!

For me
Season 1: Was the best, the crash, the monster, the voices, the others, the black rock and than ended with a BANG... the hatch!

Season 2: Was the worse for me... the beginning with the mystery hatch was ok... but when we moved to the tail part of the story (where they began from day 1 again) it suddenly became more and more boring... they were only making more and more questions without answers and they "forced" us to believe all the mystery was the "others" doing, some kind of "cave men" that knew everything.

Season 3: Was not so much better than season 2 at start... again we began from day 1... but now from the view of the others! It was a little WTF! when you saw how they lived. But then again we were going in circles with no answers. Near the end we began to see who was Dharma, but just a lilbit...
We didn't get ANY answers... the monster, the voices, the monster, the numbers, the incident (why you need to press button on hatch). They raised even more questions! I pretty much gave up here... ALMOST!!

Season 4: Now began the flashforwards, which actually answer stuff no one asked... like how many left the island... blablabla... I wanted to know the how and whys!!! They promised!!! They said logical and scientific explanations (like Tekka said). What we get instead? More people on the island... some war between the others and a dude. And those that left wanna go back to island!
More questions? you bet! :P
Any answers? hell no!

Season 5: Now we would get answers!!! Think again! Instead this time we are trapped in a time travel situations which leds to more confusion and questions... and less answers :D
We get more info on Dharma... and suddenly... divine "creatures" comes into play... which just through the logical out the windows.

Season 6: Now we are trapped in alternative dimensions/universe... which just brings the question: WHY!?
Also we get the answer on the GODS!!! and the smoke monster... in an indirekt... yet weird way, cuz now it is something else... which brings us new questions.
But basically the series have pretty much come a LONG way from season 1... and simply ignore to answer many simple stuff... like why push button each 108 min in the hatch!? why the tubes from that watch hatch come out nowhere. and so on...
Atleast we have got more answers... what the numbers are (but not why so powerful.. like to win a lottery). The 4 toe statue. The black rock!

Darn... my rant went little to long >.< :P

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:12 pm
by DeadWolf
The button was explained at the very end of Season 2. The button released an electrical charge to stop the electro magnet from spinning. Desmond missed pushing the button in time and believes that the magnet is what cause 815 to crash. 108 minutes because it's the sum of the numbers.

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:05 pm
by Nedliv
Ailise wrote: Atleast we have got more answers... what the numbers are (but not why so powerful.. like to win a lottery). The 4 toe statue. The black rock!
Yeah! i'm very glad to coming to know at least some of the one million riddles of that series :D

i'm really curious about the final episodes!!! but my favourite question for now still is: WTF is the false John Locke/smokey monstey?! it's kinda explained but not really, if you understand :o

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:07 pm
by Kassidy
I haven't watched any of this show. At this point I think there is just too much for me to catch up with, and I'm doubting that I could hold interest in it. I MAY give it a try, I don't know.

I dunno, it just strikes me that they've dragged this on for season after season after season...

I guess I just want to know, is it honestly worth spending however many hours of viewing time to binge on it from beginning to end once the final season has finished?

Re: Lost final season

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:00 pm
by Ailise
DeadWolf wrote:The button was explained at the very end of Season 2. The button released an electrical charge to stop the electro magnet from spinning. Desmond missed pushing the button in time and believes that the magnet is what cause 815 to crash. 108 minutes because it's the sum of the numbers.
You are totally right... but I was more referring to just the stupid numbers... which have gone way out of hand.

Spoiler again!
These numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 are apparently called the Valenzetti Equation that predicts the end of humanity. Sum makes them 108.
Now I can accept that answer. What pisses me off after that explain is that suddenly a lot of crap in the show doesn't make sense. Like using those numbers to win a lottery... typing them on the machine for just 108 minutes... why not 100min, or 200min... why just 108? and why must you type just those numbers and not "911" for example :P
Also the numbers outside the hatch, the radio message and basically the numbers appear everywhere... to what end? What does wining lottery has to do with world end.

Now I don't want to reveal that much... but there is a lot more stuff going on which makes little sense... and explain of the "Valenzetti Equation" is not enough of an answer. But I guess they won't touch that subject again, and we will be leaving hanging. Because now days it's all about the will of the "gods".

There is only like 4 episodes left now... so you can wait... If the ending is so awesome that you actually feel satisfy then I'll recommend it. Else if we are just left in the same crappy state I will hate this series for LIFE!!
Now I know the way things are going now they won't actually answer most of the questions, 4 episodes is just not enough, but I still expect some satisfaction.

*Spoilers kassidy!*
Important to understand that Lost is a series that have totally changed coursed over the seasons. What started as a stranded ppl on the beach waiting for rescue while the others/native people were harassing them it went to time-travel multi-dimensional and divine powers series :D
Which is basically how they hook you. You expect answers for the first seasons simpler questions but they give you bigger questions that over shadow the old questions (because they don't have the answers), and they keep doing that season by season and suddenly "the hatch" which was so important gets totally forgotten and over shadow by "the man in black" :P
I mean... as I said... they are in the "divine powers" questions now in the final season, because it doesn't get bigger than this, and this "gods" overshadow all previous questions :D