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What's Going On?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:54 pm
by Dr. Sheexy
Hey, everybody!

I haven't been around in so long, I feel so bad about that! Been super, super busy with grad school, and more and more just keeps coming up that I've gotta do!

Anyway, I'm in my third year now, will hopefully have a thesis done soon (I'm in PhD program, but I'm gonna finish this Master's thesis for the heck of it I guess).

So far I've taught 3 classes of introductory statistics, we go through probability, z-scores, t-tests, ANOVA, regression and correlation etc. It's been fun, I've made all my assignments, all my exams, graded all the papers, etc. It's a lot! I've gotten back amazing reviews from my students though, I seem to make a pretty ok teacher. :-P This semester I am a graduate teaching assistant for my advisor, he is teaching Structural Equation Modeling (think a bunch of regressions) and I grade papers, and covered one class for him.

Lately I'm doing a lot of simulation studies, I may be in Educational Psychology, but I've written more code this semester than I ever imagined I could! I'm simulating people taking exams using Item Response Theory techniques which is really awesome, and then I equate exams, or examine profiles of development for the "people" I simulated.

It's a lot of fun, but I'm always so busy!

I've got a few new Mana things around that I need to get photos of, or show you guys sometime!

Anyway, how's everyone doing?

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:31 pm
by Tyler
Don't worry Sheexy! I won't leave you hanging!

It's good to see you back, I remember you were like the life blood of this community.

It's crazy to think of where we've all gone, we used to be a bunch of kids on the internet arguing about who would win in a fight, Cloud Strife or Chrono (it's Chrono by the way).

You're doing some intense stuff man, getting a PHd and teaching. As it would turn out I was too cool for school (not really I just took a different path). I had a hard time with school after high school but I did manage to make it out with a Bachelors in Theological Studies, which doesn't have very many job opportunities by the way (not to say it wasn't worth it!).

I got myself a wife, and we'll see how that turns out. We got ourselves a house and property that I'm trying to play real life Harvest Moon on.

I'm doing pretty good, tons of stuff to keep me busy, and there's plenty of trials in this life but I'm bouncing back. 8P

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:04 am
by Destiny
Hi Sheexy!

Sounds like your studies and teaching are going amazingly well! I love that you have so much enthusiasm for what you're doing with your life. It sounds very rewarding, too. Good luck with that thesis.

Congratulations Tyler on your marriage!

I'm doing great :) Not a lot of news from my side. I had another baby boy 2 months ago, so I look forward to chasing around 2 crazy little lunatics in a few more months when this little one is mobile... Not a lot of time for me and my interests, ALAS. Somehow we managed to play Child of Light in the fleeting moments between the newborn's feeds. What a pretty game! Shame about the (almost complete lack of) storyline...

Other than that, nothing to report! Ahhhhhh well. Best wishes to everyone... I still come back now and then to check on you all :D This was the first forum I ever joined on the internet.

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:16 am
by Dr. Sheexy
Tyler wrote:It's good to see you back, I remember you were like the life blood of this community.
I got myself a wife, and we'll see how that turns out. We got ourselves a house and property that I'm trying to play real life Harvest Moon on.
Thanks for the kind words, haha.
Congrats on getting married, and have fun with the farming and stuff. I've got a friend back home who sets up farms for older folk now and has some kind of tank/farm thing built where he feeds worms to fish, who fertilize plants, which cleanse the water, etc. some kind of ecosystem farm thing going and it seems awesome. The veggies he grows are awesome. :)
Destiny wrote: I had another baby boy 2 months ago, so I look forward to chasing around 2 crazy little lunatics in a few more months when this little one is mobile...
This was the first forum I ever joined on the internet.
Congrats Destiny! You named the second one after me, right? Someone has to name a kid after me eventually... Dekky, Sabin, Kassidy... everyone has failed me so far (but I gotta give Kass props for the Lise thing). :P

Seikens is my first place too! It's always great to see people who have been around here for so long, always happy to see you stop back in, Destiny! Hope things are going well!

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:06 pm
by Deques
Sheexy wrote:Congrats Destiny! You named the second one after me, right? Someone has to name a kid after me eventually... Dekky, Sabin, Kassidy... everyone has failed me so far (but I gotta give Kass props for the Lise thing). :P
If we have a second son I will have your name in my mind. But we are hoping for a girl.

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:05 pm
by Kefka
hehehehe.... My wife won't agre naming our second child 'Sheexy'. There is a rule: "If your gamer husband suggests a name for your baby, google it first"... ^-^;

Congratz on getting married, Tyler! :party:

My daughter is 1.5 years old now and keeping me occupied most of the time besides work. I switched jobs and am now working in the IT of Healthcare instead of being a server administrator. I will post a picture of my family in the Photo-thread. :)

Gaming is still a great way to relaxe for me. Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline at the moment, also re-doing Skyrim. 8) And The Simpsons: Tapped Out is my mobile game.

good to see you guys still alive.

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:54 am
by Duran
Haven't been here in a LONG time...

I've long completed school, got a degree in Computer Technology and later received my A+ Certification from CompTIA. I've also gotten into voice acting (I'm not too shabby at it) and some friends and I put together a little production group where so far, produce voiced versions of comics, and 1 fandub of in-game dialogue, all of which is on Youtube. You can find the channel here if you want to check it out. Also, if you remember Ryoko126, she's made a few appearances in these productions as well.

Aside from that, nothing really to report.

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:13 pm
by Kefka
oh! got Fiber Internet since 30 minutes.
previous DSL speeds: 4mbit down / 0.7mbit up (there was nothing faster available)
current Fiber speeds: 105mbit down / 109mbit up (max. available is 400/400, i have the cheapest solution)

:party: :party: 8P 8P :party: :party: :love: :love:

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:03 pm
by Kassidy
Sheexy wrote:Someone has to name a kid after me eventually... Dekky, Sabin, Kassidy... everyone has failed me so far (but I gotta give Kass props for the Lise thing). :P
Well we've only had girls so far. :P

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:17 am
by Dr. Sheexy
Deques wrote:If we have a second son I will have your name in my mind. But we are hoping for a girl.
Kefka wrote:hehehehe.... My wife won't agre naming our second child 'Sheexy'. There is a rule: "If your gamer husband suggests a name for your baby, google it first"... ^-^;
Kassidy wrote:Well we've only had girls so far. :P
So basically, there is a chance. :P

Sabin: Geez, Skyrim. I bought the game when it came out and I've barely touched it since then... I put billions of hours into Oblivion but I just haven't given myself a chance with Skyrim, it's so sad... I really need to get back into that one. Also, your internet makes me cry. :P I'm even below your previous, haha.

Duran: Hey, congrats on the degree and certification! I remember some of your voicework, specifically the Luigi comic stuff. Hope you and your friends production company goes well!

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:33 pm
by Kefka
internetspeed doubled to 200Mbit. down and up. XD (200Mbit = 25+MB per second).

My wife is pregnant! our second baby is developing nicely. Don't tell the internet yet plz.

Playing Oblivion again (stop right there criminal scum!), still remember most parts how to do. I like it.

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:59 pm
by Kefka
1. second child is already 10 weeks old. Het name is Tessa.
2. a lot of friends are getting married this year (total of 4). Been arranging 4 stag parties this year.

Not much time for gaming, but when i do i play;
- iOS: Fallout shelter
- iOS: World of Tanks
- iOS: The Simpsons Tapped Out
- PC: Skyrim (level 56, the major questline and most guilds finished).

Also i am on 9gag a lot these days. too much i think.

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:33 pm
by Dr. Sheexy
Hey, Sabin, congrats!
Another girl, another baby not named after me. :-P
I really, really want to play Oblivion again. I really miss it. Skyrim just didn't scratch the same itch. My sister's addicted to that simpsons game, myself I'm addicted to Puzzle and Dragons. It's my biggest time sink besides school stuff and working. It's nice since it takes a little bit of time.

I'm up to just a lot of school work and statistical consulting work now.
I've also been travelling a lot more lately, was just in New York and that was neat. It's a lot smaller feeling when you're actually there somehow.

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:53 am
by manaman
Sheexy! How's that PhD coming along? What else is new with you? I feel like we need to catch up sometime!

Re: What's Going On?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:47 pm
by Dr. Sheexy
manaman wrote:Sheexy! How's that PhD coming along?
I'm gonna go with slowly but surely there. ^-^;

Just doing school stuff mostly. Keeping busy with statistical consulting and what not. I wish I had more to say about it, ha, but there isn't much really!