Hello everyone! I figured I would share my latest creation of a video that displays my vision of a remastered Secret of Mana game. Lots of small modifications were made when it came to music, sound, and even graphics. If you are very familiar with the intro to Secret of Mana, you will probably be able to pick out all the adjustments.
I look at it kind of like how Square-Enix remastered Tactics Ogre. The graphics aren't completely redone (that would be a remake), but the game has many enhancements on the music, sounds, text, UI, and character portraits.
This remaster tries to combine the best worlds of the SNES and iOS version of Secret of Mana. Anyway, would love to hear your thoughts on the video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4b08Vr ... WS1eZYX6tQ