Sword of Mana

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The J Person
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Post by The J Person »

I'm a die-hard Mana-fan, but I never did play FFA. Well, I tried to use the ROM, but it was corrupt, and at any rate, I was kinda confused by the fact that it said FFA, back when I tried it several years ago, rather than Secret of Mana or something like that - in fact, it later became my theory that the whole reason they held out on us with SD3 was because they couldn't figure out how to make the game part of the same series as SoM and still pull off a name makeover that we wouldn't shoot down.

First of all, I can't think of any good reason why the character that uses Dyluck's sprite in SwoM would be the same Dyluck that appears in SoM. I have racked my brains, considered every possible aspect from which it makes sense that they're the same character, and found myself at a total loss for an explanation. But, it may well be a joke. Consider this - Thanatos was after Dyluck for a reason; he was getting some kind of special life-energy from somewhere. Thanatos saw this as an opportunity to prolong his own existence. Has Dyluck been alive for a long time? Maybe, but probably not. But we do know Thanatos succeeded (sorta) in pulling a body-snatcher on him, presumably because he knew he'd have a long life before having to do it again, and he caught him off-guard, back around the time Elinee was to be hunted down.
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Dr. Sheexy
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Post by Dr. Sheexy »

I think that maybe Vega the Shining Knight might not exactly be Dyluck, I think they just used the character design... dang it, I've gotta find someone to read this for me, I don't know all of these Kanji and my dictionary is not helping me out at all.
I did manage to read the first sentence of it.

"Dyluck is Purim's lover."

That's all I've got... it reinforces that it actually is Dyluck... or based off of Dyluck, but that's not much... this is a great mystery eh?

By the way, Jynth, I just tacked your other thread onto here, seemed we're already discussing that stuff here.

Post by Danny »

Hmm, I thought that the Shining Knight was Dyluck. If the character is not Dyluck from Secret of Mana, who is he? It might be a character from Seiken Desetsu 3. Sword of Mana was made based on those two games. The places, items, characters, monsters, etc.
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Dr. Sheexy
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Post by Dr. Sheexy »

Danny wrote:Sword of Mana was made based on those two games. The places, items, characters, monsters, etc.
Sword of Mana is actually just a remake of Final Fantasy Adventure. The later Seiken Densetsu games borrow monsters, characters (ok, like Mr. Moti and that's it almost), places and items from that game.
Sword of Mana has the exact (pretty much, except a few things they've changed) storyline as Final Fantasy Adventure due to this.

Sword of Mana does borrow some newer stuff from Secret of Mana and SD3 though. Ring Menus, Class changing and the likes.

Post by Danny »

Thanks for telling me that. I never really played Final Fantasy Advanture. I saw and know about it, but I never really played it. How is it? Is it better then Seiken Desetsu 3? I don't really know.
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