
Legend of Mana Card Duel – Monster Cards

Posted on August 17th, 2021 by Dr. Sheexy
Filed under Legend of Mana Card Duel, Seikens

Here comes the second of six big updates to the Legend of Mana Card Duel section. It’s Monster Cards!

It is quite interesting to see which monsters were chosen, and for which element as well.

I’ve got a brief rundown of the rules for Monster cards on the page, and I’m still working on getting the full rulebook done as well (that’s likely the final of the LoM Card Duel updates). The images I use (such as the one below) to show the parts of cards are actually my updated and translated version of the images from the rulebook.

You’ll also notice that our little buddy the Rabite does not make an appearance on this page. Quite the oversight? Actually, no! Rabites have been promoted to full Character status for this game, so you’ll get to see one when I post all the Character cards. 




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